Sunday, March 10, 2013

There is hope!

Well at Friday weigh in I'm afraid it wasn't good news. I gained two pounds. Damn. Ok well I can't say I'm surprised. This wasn't my best week. I didn't track my food for the first three days and my workouts early on in the week were not as intense as they should have been. And if I'm being honest there was an incident where I was spoon deep in some Nutella when I caved to my late night binge habit. I made Josh take it to work and get rid of it the next day. Some day I hope to have more self control but obviously I wasn't ready.

Bear and I going for our first jog together.

By mid week I was tracking again and was pushing harder in my workouts. But more importantly to me, I had noticed quickly what what I was doing wrong and adjusted my behavior and my environment to to get me back on track. I wish I could say that this was easy for me. But it's not. Every day I have to make conscious decisions to work out, to eat healthy food and track it, to drink enough water, and to have a positive attitude. And even though the scale didn't show it this week, I know that on far more days than not I'm making the right choices. So instead of dwelling on this small set back and beating myself up with negative self talk, I've decided to look at how far I've come at this point and be proud.

Maddie stretching with me before our workout.

Another exciting first for me was yesterday. My brother, Steven, agreed to go for a jog with me! He is a cross country style runner whose abilities FAR exceed my own. Even so, I really wanted to share this experience of something that has been important to him and is now becoming important to me. I think I was over eager and tried to show off a little in the beginning, setting the pace a tad too fast for myself. Damn it! I ended up burning out way faster than usual and I didn't go as far as I had hoped. Oh well, that just means I need to keep at it so I can keep up some day. Hopefully that was just the first of many jogs together. :)

Sometimes she insists on being held while I ride the stationary bike.

I've noticed that my clothes are starting to look especially bad as I lose weight and they get baggy and loose. I went through my box of too small clothes that I've had stashed. I was stoked to find that I have dropped two pant sizes!! Since I can't afford to go buy a new wardrobe every time I drop a size I'm gonna need to get creative. My plan is to take some tips from the ReFashionista and attempt to refashion, refit, reuse, and recycle the things I already have occasionally supplemented with an addition from the thrift shop. Cue Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.....! Anyway, I pulled my sewing machine out of its hiding place and thought I would practice with making a couple things for Maddie. And the verdict is....I'm going to need more practice before I do anything drastic to my ill fitting clothes. But there is hope!


  1. Way to go ladybug!! It's not a race to be won, rather a journey to be undertaken - sometimes there will be set backs and detours, always there is the opportunity to learn and celebrate. SO very proud of you :)

  2. Great job Babe! I am really proud of you. The key to our success is all of us working together. You inspire me when I need it. I inspire you when you need it. Together we will conquer.

  3. How are you going about tracking your food? Or deciding what to eat? Conceptually I know what good/bad food is, but we run into a rut everyday deciding WHAT to eat!
