Tuesday, April 23, 2013

50 pounds!!!!!

What a great week! I got out a bunch since I am so fortunate to live in an area where there are so many possibilities for free recreation. And being outside in the fresh air makes me so happy! I started the week getting out for our first bike ride of the season. I rode just over 10 miles from Barker to state line and back on Centennial Trail. It was a really nice ride, however, on the way there I was riding into a strong wind which made it really hard. Then on the way back my seat got loose and was tilting back so it was extra hard to ride and uncomfortable to say the least. It made me aware of how much I need a tool kit to strap to my bike for situations such as this. (.....Mothers Day ;) *hint hint*)

Tuesday I was really sore from my malfunctioning bike seat and decided to stay home and catch up on house work. Then Wednesday it was BEAUTIFUL out, so Manny and I ventured out to Riverside State Park to hike around Bowl and Pitcher. We purchased a Discover Pass so we can access all the Washington State Parks for the season. I have no doubt that we will get a lot of use out if it.

Later we walked to pick up Katie from school and stopped off at a park on the way home. We all played and crawled around in the tunnels. (Something I definitely wouldn't have been doing 6 months ago.)

After school on Thursday I took the girls for a hike around the Dishman Hills. They are really good little hikers. We made sure to take time to smell the flowers and listen to the frogs in the pond.

Friday and Saturday I did a bunch of Fitsugar videos focusing on my arms and abs. There is a nice variety of videos on there and most are short so it's good for those short attention span days. Then on Sunday, I took Katie and Josh to Bowl and Pitcher, since they hadn't been yet. By far my favorite hike yet! It was lightly raining so we almost didn't go, but that turned out to be part of the fun. We wanted to get up to some high point but didn't really know which one or where we were going. Just roaming, sometimes walking sometimes jogging through the woods. We zigzagged our way up for about 2 miles in the intermittent rain, Katie leading the way. The best part though, was our way back, we RAN! I felt so alive and exhilarated bounding my way down the narrow trail, it was amazing! By the time we got back to the picnic shelter to have some lunch overlooking the river, our clothes were saturated, and I was overflowing with happiness! :D

I feel very present and able to enjoy all the small moments that make up the bigger picture. 
I feel ALIVE!!!!
Yesterday I weighed in at 200.7, down 4.8 pounds from last Sunday, and 50 pounds from my top weight!! I am so freakin' proud of myself!! I think I stand a little taller, I know I am more confident in my body and its ability to move the way I want, and I feel more connected to my city and the world around be.  I am so inspired by my family and friends who have joined in to do this together. I don't think I could be any happier in this moment, life is good!

................Let makeover week begin!!!


  1. I legit am crying in my office at work. I'm so happy for you. You're so inspiring. :)

  2. Great job Babe! So proud of you!

  3. so proud of you tam and thank you for letting me be a part of your make over week!!
