Saturday, May 11, 2013


Last Sunday we participated in Bloomsday! It was the second year in a row that we have done it as a family.  If you're not familiar with this event, it's a 12k (7.46 mi) with over 50,000 runners, joggers, and walkers. We have to walk the whole thing since we have a stroller and it takes us about 2 and a half hours. It was a beautiful day for it and it also happened to be Josh's birthday. We packed tons of water and healthy snacks for along the way and to picnic in the park after.

Later Josh, Katie and I went to Mellow Monkey for a post Bloomsday yoga sesh that was all stretching. It was exactly what we needed. Josh even fell asleep during savasana, snoring and all. :)

Unfortunately, the next day my right foot was really hurting and it got worse the more I walked around. I tried to take it easy and give it a chance to heal but that only goes so far with two kiddos running around. By day two it I was really bad. I was in a lot of pain and whimpering as I limped around. Josh got me an ace bandage and wrapped my foot then made me ice it. I'm pretty stubborn and resistant when it comes to treating my own ailments, so I'm pretty lucky I have him to help nurse me back to health. I took it easy again Wednesday and left the bandage on for support and my foot started feeling much better. 

The last few days I've done some light exercise, like riding the stationary bike or working on my abs and arms. Three days of no activity was KILLING me! I can not believe I used to do that all the time. I was so bored and I felt like I couldn't stop eating. Bleh!! (I'm not gonna lie there was pizza and cookies involved.) I didn't realize how much working out suppresses your appetite. It makes me only want food, that is full of nutrients, to give my body the fuel it needs to be as active as I am and nothing more. But on those off days it was more eating just to eat. I'm really looking forward to being back on track. 

I had started getting obsessive about weighing myself so I had someone hide the scale so I won't be weighing in all month. I was rarely tracking my food with weight watchers and just guessing so I downloaded the myfitnesspal app to try that out for a while. It is easy enough to use and it is nice to feel like I have to be accountable again.

  I'm going to work on posting every day or two to help keep me focused. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm eager to embrace it.


  1. Hello love! First off, I'm so effing proud of you! You're a huge reason why I'm doing what I'm doing. it feels awesome knowing someone can do it and you can rely on them. I suggest blogging once a day or even a couple times a week, it does keep you accountable. I've found that my instagram and blog is a huge reason why i stay on top of it. people expect you to post and update and when you don't...they ask questions. :) You're doing fantastic. I weigh in once a week and I think it's good for me. If I weigh in more than once a week it's due to a doctors appointment. You're killing it and I love reading your blog!!!!!

  2. Glad I can help my love! I am always here for help.
