Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You Never know If You Don't Tri

The last week and a half has been dramatically different than the month and a half before that. I'm feeling so much better and optimistic. I followed through and went for a run on the Centennial Trail like I said I was going to last Sunday. It wasn't pretty, and I was totally struggling, but I kept going for 3.2 miles. I didn't end up getting a food tracker that day but we did menu plan for the week which was a good start.

Last week the weather was juuust nice enough for me to get out and go for a couple bike rides with my girls and a walk with all my extra kids. Reeeeeally it was kinda cold and windy but the sun was shining so that counts for something, right? It was just nice to be outside in the sun. A lady even stopped me while we were on our walk and said I made her day and gave me a high five. I did happen to have two toddlers in the stroller, a baby strapped to my chest, and a 5 year old trailing behind me, so I'm sure I looked strikingly similar to a pack mule.

I went back to bootcamp at Health Yeah on Saturday.  I was sure I was gonna be a mess... and I was kinda right.  It was hard and I was hurting,  but I WAS THERE! And you gotta start somewhere! We did a good job of menu planning again this week and got small spiral notebooks to serve as food trackers.  A friend told me about Skinnytaste.com a while ago, and it's now my go to place for recipes. My current favorite is the cauliflower tots. They are soooo delicious! Had them tonight for dinner in fact.

Ok, now for some crazy exciting news......Today we signed up for My First Tri in Portland! ME... A TRIATHALON... (Ohmagaaah! I think I'm gonna be sick!) I don't know what I'm thinking. I'm SO excited,  and I'm scared shitless! Yeah, I had a bunch of nervous energy so I went for a 3.5 mile run on my parents treadmill and watched videos of triathalons on YouTube. So yeah, I'm gonna be training for a sprint tri now. WOW! :)

I'm so happy right now!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Getting Started.....Again

Confession time......I haven't really been doing so good since the 10K in October. I got caught up in Thanksgiving celebrations, and Christmas celebrations, and helping plan my best friends wedding and related parties that  I completely let myself go. I ate anything and everything I was near, I was drinking pretty consistently, exercising almost never, and since I was around so many smokers I picked up smoking again. I tried to use the new year as a kick off point to get back on track. So January 5th I quit smoking again......and have replaced it with binge eating. Bad choice you say? Well I couldn't agree more. I've gained 10 pounds and feel terrible. I started working out a little more then, well, started working out a little less. I'm struggling. A lot. I can feel some of the depression feelings sneaking up waiting to pounce. I can't go back to that. I don't want to be that person and feel like that again.

It's coldish and windy and I want to snuggle up to a movie. But instead I'm going to go for a run on the Centennial Trail and then go get a food tracker journal. It's time to get back on track.